Saturday Vigil
Our Lady of Fatima
4:00 p.m.
St. Joseph's
8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
St. Joseph's
Tuesday: 12:00 Noon
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m.
First Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
Our Lady of Fatima
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.
First Friday: 9:00 a.m.

St. Joseph's
Tuesday: 11:30 - 11:50 a.m.
Thursday: 7:30 - 7:50 a.m.
Friday: 7:30 - 7:50 a.m.
Saturday: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Sunday: 8:00 - 8:20am and 10:00 - 10:20 a.m.
Our Lady of Fatima
Wednesday: 8:30-8:50 a.m.
Saturday: 3:30-3:50 p.m.

- Pope Francis -
Friday, March 28: 4:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Fatima and 6:00 p.m. at St. Joseph's
Friday, April 4: 4:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Fatima and 6:00 p.m. at St. Joseph's
Friday, April 11: 4:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Fatima and 6:00 p.m. at St. Joseph's
A meatless potluck will follow stations at Our Lady of Fatima.
At St. Joseph's, a light meal will follow stations; and on April 11 there will be a fish dinner sponsored by KC & CCW.
All are welcome!
Fr. Eli was ordained in 2013 for the diocese of Duluth. He served St. Joseph’s community from 2016-2020, the first two years with Deerwood and Crosby and the second two years with Deerwood, Crosby, Garrison and Hillman. During this time, Deerwood and Crosby parishes were combined and clustered with Garrison and Hillman. In April of 2022, he returned to our church cluster.
Father Eli grew up in Lindstrom, Minnesota. He attended Chisago Lakes High School. His parents still reside in Lindstrom. Father Eli has an older sister, two younger brothers and seven nieces and nephews. He enjoys hiking, backpacking and camping, board and card games. He is always fascinated to learn people’s stories and find out what God is doing in their lives. He likes visiting his parishioners in their homes and having a meal or a discussion with them.
Click below to play the video
A message from Bishop Daniel Felton:
I ask you to join with me and prayerfully consider a generous gift in support of The Ministries Appeal. Each and every gift is appreciated and needed in the continuation of our mission and vision in the Diocese of Duluth. Please partner with me and continue Making Our Mission Real!
Support The Ministries Appeal | Diocese of Duluth | Duluth, MN (
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Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 a.m. - noon
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27332 Central Street
Garrison, MN 56450
Contact St. Joseph's for Parish Office
1182 County Highway 8
Hillman MN 56338
Contact St. Joseph's for Parish Office
St. Joseph's
Every Monday at 7 a.m. through noon Friday. The Adoration Chapel is in the St. Joseph Center, enter through the side door.
Our Lady of Fatima
Every Wednesday from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Holy Family
Every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
St. Joseph's
Check the bulletin for information to request a prayer or join the St. Joseph's Prayer Line.
Our Lady of Fatima
Check the bulletin for information to request a prayer or join Our Lady of Fatima's prayer team.
Holy Family
Check the bulletin for information to request a prayer or join Holy Family's prayer team.
March 2025
8am SJ - Confession
8:30am SJ - Mass
9:30am Donut & Coffee at SJ
9:40am CL School of Community
10am SJ - Confession
10:30am SJ - Mass
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5pm Community Table
7pm CL School of Community
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am SJ - Confession
12pm SJ - Mass
6:30pm KC meeting
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8:30am OLF - Confession
9am SJ - Sleeping Bag Ministry
9am OLF - Mass
9:30am OLF - Adoration
10am HF - Eucharistic Adoration
Show all
6am TMIY-SJ social hall
7:30am SJ - Confession
8am SJ - Mass
Show all
7:30am SJ - Confessions
8am SJ - Mass
8am SJ First Saturday Mass
9am SJ - Confession
3:30pm OLF - Confession
4pm OLF - Mass
Show all
8am SJ - Confession
8:30am SJ - Mass
9:30am Donut & Coffee at SJ
9:40am CL School of Community
10am SJ - Confession
10:30am SJ - Mass
Show all
5pm Community Table
7pm CL School of Community
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am SJ - Confession
12pm SJ - Mass
Show all
9am Ash Wednesday Mass--OLF
9am SJ - Sleeping Bag Ministry
9:30am OLF - Adoration
10am HF - Eucharistic Adoration
12pm Ash Wednesday SJ Mass
6pm Ash Wednesday SJ Mass
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6am TMIY-SJ social hall
7:30am SJ - Confession
8am SJ - Mass
Show all
7:30am SJ - Confessions
8am SJ - Mass
9am OLF - First Friday Mass
4pm OLF Stations
5pm Women's Retreat
6pm SJ Stations & Soup
6pm Fellowship of St Joseph
Show all
9am SJ - Confession
9am Women's Retreat
3:30pm OLF - Confession
4pm OLF - Mass
Show all
8am SJ - Confession
8:30am SJ - Mass
9:30am Donut & Coffee at SJ
9:40am CL School of Community
10am SJ - Confession
10:30am SJ - Mass
Show all
5pm Community Table
7pm Little Flowers
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am SJ - Confession
12pm SJ - Mass
Show all
8:30am OLF - Confession
9am SJ - Sleeping Bag Ministry
9am OLF - Mass
9:30am OLF - Adoration
10am HF - Eucharistic Adoration
Show all
6am TMIY-SJ social hall
7:30am SJ - Confession
8am SJ - Mass
8:45am St. Vincent DePaul
Show all
7:30am SJ - Confessions
8am SJ - Mass
4pm OLF Stations
6pm SJ Stations & Soup
Show all
9am SJ - Confession
10am CCW Meeting-SJ social hall
3:30pm OLF - Confession
4pm OLF - Mass
Show all
8am SJ - Confession
8:30am SJ - Mass
9am KC Breakfast
9:40am CL School of Community
10am SJ - Confession
10:30am SJ - Mass
Show all
5pm Community Table
7pm CL School of Community
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am SJ - Confession
12pm SJ - Mass
Show all
8:30am OLF - Confession
9am SJ - Sleeping Bag Ministry
9am OLF - Mass
9:30am OLF - Adoration
10am HF - Eucharistic Adoration
6pm Feast Day Mass at St. Joseph
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6am TMIY-SJ social hall
7:30am SJ - Confession
8am SJ - Mass
Show all
7:30am SJ - Confessions
8am SJ - Mass
4pm OLF Stations
6pm SJ Stations & Fish
6pm Fellowship of St Joseph
Show all
9am SJ - Confession
3:30pm OLF - Confession
4pm OLF - Mass
Show all
8am SJ - Confession
8:30am SJ - Mass Ad Orientem
9:30am Donut & Coffee at SJ
9:40am CL School of Community
10am SJ - Confession
10:30am SJ - Mass Ad Orientem
6pm Penance Service
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5pm Community Table
7pm CL School of Community
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am SJ - Confession
12pm SJ - No Mass today
6:30pm KC meeting
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8:30am OLF - Confession
9am SJ - Sleeping Bag Ministry
9am OLF - Mass
9:30am OLF - Adoration
10am HF - Eucharistic Adoration
Show all
6am TMIY-SJ social hall
7:30am SJ - Confession
8am SJ - Mass
8:45am St. Vincent De Paul Meeting
Show all
7:30am SJ - Confessions
8am SJ - Mass
4pm OLF Stations
6pm SJ Stations & Soup
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Engaged Retreat
9am SJ - Confession
3:30pm OLF - Confession
4pm OLF - Mass
Show all
8am SJ - Confession
8:30am Engaged Retreat
8:30am SJ - Mass
9:30am Donut & Coffee at SJ
9:40am CL School of Community
10am SJ - Confession
10:30am SJ - Mass-Ad Orientem
Show all
5pm Community Table
7pm CL School of Community
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am SJ - Confession
12pm SJ - Mass
Show all
8:30am OLF - Confession
9am SJ - Sleeping Bag Ministry
9am OLF - Mass
9:30am OLF - Adoration
10am HF - Eucharistic Adoration
Show all
6am TMIY-SJ social hall
7:30am SJ - Confession
8am SJ - Mass
Show all
7:30am SJ - Confessions
8am SJ - Mass
9am OLF - First Friday Mass
4pm OLF Stations
6pm SJ Stations & Fish
6pm Fellowship of St Joseph
Show all
8am SJ First Saturday Mass
9am Men's Retreat
9am SJ - Confession
3:30pm OLF - Confession
4pm Mass at SJ
4pm OLF - Mass
Show all
We have two youth choirs: the Magnificat Children's Choir for 1st - 8th graders, and Schola Cantorum for girls 7th grade and up.
Monsignor Joseph Buh, devoted his life to serving Slovenian Immigrants and Native Americans. We are exploring his cause for beatification within the Diocese of Duluth. Be it the will of God, this holy missionary priest living in his missionary time will become the missionary saint interceding for us in our own missionary time.
Watch the video below to learn more about Monsignor Joseph Buh