Dear Parishioners,
We are nearly in Lent. It is just a few weeks away. Ash Wednesday is March 5th. For planning purposes, we have Mass that day at 9 AM OLF, Noon and 6 PM at SJ. Stations of the Cross will begin on Friday March 7th at 4 PM at OLF and 6 PM SJ. We will have Stations at those same times and locations throughout Lent until the Friday before Palm Sunday (Last Friday with Stations will be April 11th ).
There is a women’s retreat being offered on Fri. and Sat. March 7th -8th space is limited call the office 218-546-6559 to reserve a spot.
There is also a men’s retreat day on Saturday April 5th there will be online sign-ups and a flyer soon with a schedule. The day will end with 4 PM Mass with Bishop Daniel at SJ.
Thanks to all who are putting on hospitality Sundays at SJ. It is also great to see people coming down to visit and get to know one another. I am excited to see people getting connected. The Expresso Machine fund was at just under $500 last I heard. For those who really want the latest, talk to Evan Teck who is usually around after the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass helping host the hospitality.
The SJ building project is coming along nicely. We are still working on signing the contract but I am hopeful we will get all the pertinent details settled soon. We have seen an uptick in contributions to the project as of late, thanks. Mark your calendars for the SJ Spring Gala which will be at the Northern Pacific Center in Brainerd. The Gala this year is raising funds for the new pews. If you haven’t tried out the model pew in the SJ entrance, check it out.
The Ministries Appeal is in full swing now, you should have received your invitation from Bishop Daniel’s office to help cover the cost of the ministries of our diocese. The Ministries Appeal covers three main areas of Ministry: Education and Family, Evangelization and Outreach, and Vocation and Clergy Support. It should be noted that the Seminarian Appeal is now wrapped into the Ministries Appeal. Some people have asked whether the fall seminarian appeal will still be happening, and the short answer is no. However, in another way, we can say it is now part of the Ministries Appeal. Please help us attain our goals to help ministry in our parishes happen.
I have committed myself to covering 1.5% of our appeal goals, which equals about $1,225.00 (over 3% of my income) I am trying to help you see that I don’t ask you to do anything I am not doing too. I know for some, giving money to anything is difficult because we don’t have a lot of margin in their budget. I am asking you to give what you can. A good rule of thumb or model is 1% of your income can be tithed to the Diocese, 5% to your parish, and another 4% to other charities. If that seems difficult, you can work towards that goal. It is a way of giving thanks for what God has given you. The Ministries Appeal is how our diocese supports the ministries which go beyond what any individual parish can tackle. Please join me in supporting the Ministries Appeal.
I pray daily for you all, especially in the Mass. There are always so many things happening in our parish communities. Let’s focus on how we can serve together in the Lord’s vineyard to care for souls, both our own and our neighbors.
In Christ,
Fr. Eli